Welcome to my web site
I should emphasize that this is my
web site. All professional information about me is somewhere else.
Ramón Juan San Andrés
I have a facebook page. To reach it, click on my picture.
I use my facebook page exclusively to interact with friends and family,
or to get in touch with old friends, co-workers and schoolmates. Therefore, all my
facebook information is confidential and not viewable by strangers. If
we have crossed paths in the past, you can send me a facebook message.
Want to contact me?
I am seldom signed-in to any instant messenger service, but
if I am, the following should indicate through which service I am reachable.
Just click on the icon for the service indicating that my
status is "online".
Yahoo messenger
MSN Live messenger
Google Talk
Of course, you can always reach me through e-mail by clicking on the envelope icon on the left.